Espace Photographique Contretype

D. Jordan, "Bruxelles", 1995

Bruxelles-Genève Regards Croisés

A Photo exhibition at Espace Photographique Contretype, Brussels, co-organised with Saint-Gervais Photographie, Pro Helvetia, the City of Geneva and presenting the works of 4 photographers:

Laurence Bonvin (CH)

Alain Géronnez (B)

André Jasinski (B)

Didier Jordan (CH)

Organised by Saint-Gervais Photographie (Jacques Boesch), Pro-Helvetia (Victor Durschei), Documentation Photographique - Ville de Genève (Alain Grandchamp), l'Espace Photographique Contretype (Jean-Louis Godefroid) for the transdisciplinary manifestation "Genève - Bruxelles" proposed by Saint-Gervais-Genève and Pro-Helvetia.

This exhibition and book elaborated by the center St-Gervais-Genève and Contretype-Brussels, were realised by four photographers : 2 Belgians and 2 Swiss. This photographic project, directed by four different curators, gave to the photographers the opportunity to work in their own town and in the invited one, confronting their works and experiences. First, this exhibition was presented in Centre St-Gervais-Genève, in april-may 95.

From 15th june to 3d september, this exhibition is presented at the Espace Photographique Contretype. For more information about it and how to order the catalog contact Espace Photographique Contretype.

© Espace Photographique Contretype and al. 1995