Godeleine de Rosamel, a french illustrator born in 1968, is living and working in Paris.

By clicking one of the above icons, or a title down here, you will find a serie of collage. Each one is connected to another. By choosing your link, you will be able to reconstruct everybody's "everyday life", with a little bit of magic. Just try to imagine this could be no more than reality.

  • Quelle belle journée!
    What a beautiful day!
  • J'ai attrapé un maquereau.
    I caught a maquerel.
  • Je bronze un peu rouge.
    I tan a bit red.
  • Il y avait le ciel, le soleil et la mer...
    There was the sky, the sun and the sea...
  • On the road again.
  • J'adore ta cuisine jaune.
    I love your yellow kitchen.
  • C'était bien.
    It was good.
  • Mais papa, c'est l'heure des tortues Ninja.
    But daddy, it's time for the Ninja turtles.
  • Mâche tes coquillettes.
    Chew your noodles.
  • C'est pour ton bien.
    It's for your own good.
  • But!
  • Regarde-pas mes mains, c'est la vaisselle.
    Don't look at my hands, it's the dishes.
  • Où sont les étoiles?
    Where are the stars?
  • Bon voyage les amis...
    Have a good trip, friends...
  • Coucou les étoiles.
    Hello stars.
  • Et chez toi, ça va?
    Everything all right?
  • C'est dans l'espace que tout se passe.
    It's in space that all happens.

  • Remember that your journey won't be complete until you've sent a message to Godeleine:

    (e-mail: info@magic.be)

    You could also try to meet her on your next trip to Paris

    at the Café Orbital.

    Use the Godeleine icon

    to come back to this page.