- Yan Morvan
- Kurdistan
- For many years, Yan Morvan (1954) has covered hot news stories, more particularly the Lebanese war.
Today he is more concerned about everyday life, for example portraying the youth of suburban Paris.
Together with Jean-Marc Barbieux, he spent two summers in Iraqi Kurdistan, mainly working with a large-format camera.
- Clemente Bernad
- Euskadi
Clemente Bernad (1963) is a free-lance photograper and has worked on seasonal labourers in Andalusia, on the Sahraoui and on funeral rites in Basque country.
A Basque himself, he has for several years devoted himself to document the social and political situation in Euskadi.
- Perspective
- Alain Dister When photography goes underground
- Since the 'Communards' photographed by Disderi in 1871, people's struggles have been recounted by photography, sometimes with the difficulty imposed by the wish for anonymity of the protagonists or by the effectiveness of repression.Nevertheless, thanks to photographers like Edward Curtis, Casasola, Capa, Cartier-Bresson, Depardon or Susan Meiselas, we know a little more about those who fight for their freedom.
- Seen and Read
- Alain D'Hooghe Saying Bosnia
- Both Gilles Peress and Gérard Rondeau have worked at length in ex-Yugoslavia. Their photographic approach of the problem is very different but the bottom-line remains to talk about the same topics. Two views to speak up and testify, two ways of refusing oblivion or indifference.