The Violin,
is the multimedia reference title about the world of classical violon describing violinists, composers and violin makers from the very beginning. This title is probably the first one to offer more than 3 hours of musical excerpts in a quality equivalent to CD stereo, thanks to the Mpeg audio layer III technology
Producted by: Accord Parfait & Editions Montparnasse
Written by E. Jaeger, F. Laurent and J-M. Molkhou,
Art directed, designed and developed by Magic Media
- 250 biographies with illustrations, complete discography and video archives on the main violinists who made the History of the instrument, from Corelli to Vengerov;
- a database of about 10,000 muscical works written by more than 600 composers from Vivaldi to Schnittke;
- 37 biographies of the most famous violin makers with a selection of 60 of their best instruments interactively presented with zoom, rotation,... and comparative analysis of their details;
- about 30 minutes of audiovisual interactive sequences presenting the origin of the violin, its making, the making of the bow, main international competitions, masters and pupils,...
- interactive video explaining the techniques of playing violin, with musical illustrations
- an exclusive introductory interview of Isaac Stern and his violin maker, Etienne Vatelot.
- 300 musical excerpts in CD quality stereo (when available) proposing a selection of the best recordings from 1903 to 1997, with complete discography references.
The Violin interactive design and functionalities are state of the art with a flexible, intuitive and efficient user interface allowing either exploratory browsing mode through a network of more than 5.000 hyperlinks, or fast search mode through the media library, the more than 1,000 persons described and an astounding 3D chronology interface. The Violon is both a true encyclopaedia product and a high quality multimedia and musical experience for the users.
The Violin is released in its French version since December 97 and is distributed by Virgin Interactive. The English version should be released beginning of 98.