Magic Media is a multimedia producer of cultural, art and educative edition project. Magic Media produced and realised Camps de Réfugiés about the work of John Vink, member of the photo agency MAGNUM. This title is edited and ditributed by Apple France.
Magic Media realised the whole technical production of the CD-ROM Fondation Maeght for BastideBastide&Bastide and edited by Matra-Hachette-Multimedia (EMMA 95 winner in "Museums, Exhibitions"). This bi-lingual cdrom is the first art title using full color pictures with a compatibility for 256 color video board, on both Mac and PC. Magic Media is also co-author of the Foundation Maeght general concept.
Magic Media offers
a full WWW Page Development Service that includes complete content
design, from single-page documents to innovative on-line catalogues
and multimedia presentations of your company's activities and products.
Magic Media's design and technical services will give a powerful boost to your company's presentation, providing creative, competent and extensive assistance in document structure design, graphical user interface design, multimedia format conversion procedures and software development techniques - e.g. HTML forms, user input methods, database interfaces...
And of course, through its WWW Hosting Program, Magic Media will host your pages on its network of high performance Unix workstations, at attractive conditions and with full monitoring of user activities.
Finally, Magic Media's Cultural Page Corporate Sponsorship Program offers forward-looking companies an opportunity to gain a high-profile Internet visibility through the premier cultural Web site in Belgium.